November 01 Update:
What a difference two weeks can make! Following our official ‘relaunch’ on October 15, there has been much behind-the-scenes activity to iron-out the minor glitches (which can be expected following a relaunch), the posting of fresh material and to activate several dormant ‘pages’. As of this update not all ‘pages’ are fully operational, thus we appreciate your continued patience and understanding as we adjust to the webmaster ‘learning curve’. Although much work remains to be done, at this time we are pleased to present our 1st monthly update ~ we hope you enjoy the offerings to date! Highlights of the November Update include:
Mike Cook joins ‘SCR’ as the DF’s fourth webmaster. See the ‘Home Page’ for details!
The DF is now ‘officially’ open for business! We have established, with the assistance of our host, Jeff Herne of Modelwarships, two email accounts: for the receipt of all submissions, for consideration, and for general inquiries. As for submissions to the DF, please refer to each ‘Page’s’ introduction for additional information / submission criteria.
The Features Page has been updated to include:
The article: The Next Ocean Liner Kit
A review of William Miller’s ‘The Picture History of the ss United States’ and Les Streater’s Berengaria ~ Cunard’s "Happy Ship"
And unique to the DF, we have introduced what we are calling the ‘BTSK’ ~ please refer to the ‘Features Page’ for additional information!
The Kit Review Page has been updated to featuring the following: 1:100 Sirius, manufactured by Zvezda
The Model Gallery has been updated to include the following ‘kit assembly’ models: 1:400 Artika; 1:600 France, 1:600 Queen Elizabeth, 1:600 ss United States; and the following ‘scratch-build’ projects: 1:144 Titanic and 1:600 Queen Mary 2. We thank the contributors for these fine offerings.
The Researchers / Modelers Page now features the following profiles: Scott Reigel, Christian Schonberger, Robert (Arjay) MacDonald, and Mike Cook.
Coming Soon ~ Onno Heesbeen’s ‘How-To’ scatchbuild tutorial ~ Part 1
Although you may see new additions to the site throughout the month, as time and opportunity permit, we do hope to establish ‘monthly updates’ for major additions on or around the 1st of each month. We would like to remind our contributors that the deadline for submissions (for the December 01 update) is November 15.
SCRM (Scott, Chris, Robert and Mike)