Great Eastern
This is the Revell 1:388 scale Great Eastern, built by Germà Coenders
Germà Coenders notes: I got to know someone who wanted to sell this out-of-production model at the stee
lnavy message board. After seeing the review at the Debrisfield I was eager
to build one. A first intention to motorize it was ruled out due to the sheer
model size. Instead, I decided to cut her down to the water line, mount her on a hollow 2
cm balsa wood base, and add two 15 watt refrigerator-type lamps inside the
base. I drilled all port holes and had to paint all the interior black because
the model plastic was too transparent and light would come through everywhere.
This makes for a very "romantic" lamp, that, alas! I cannot have
turned on too long because it gets too hot and would maybe deform the model. Besides, I dated the model back to the time of the ship's maiden voyage. With
this purpose:
- I scratch built the fifth funnel
- I rebuilt the stem profile
- I removed all cable-laying machinery
Some final touches were:
- removing all plastic railings and ladders, that were replaced by photo-etched ones from my spares box.
- orienting the sails in a more realistic way
The first three photos clearly show the five funnels and the new bow profile.
The fourth photo shows some detail of the paddle wheel and the photo etch. The
fifth shows the life boats and the sails' orientation, and the sixth photo is
taken nearly in the dark to show the working of the lights.
Profile view
Port side detail
Port detail of stern
An interesting bow-on photo
Great Eastern model shows the large spread of sail in this stern view
Midships view overlooking the paddle boxes and bridge.