Scott Reigel / Debris Field Co-Webmaster
Phoenix, Arizona / USA
Occupation: Business Finance Analyst
Living outside of Phoenix, Arizona keeps me far away from any shipping action, but it hasn't stopped me from pursuing my long term interest in all types of merchant shipping, and the Atlantic passenger liners in particular. I've been building models for close to 30 years, but am finding that having two small kids in the house and a busy workload seems to absorb quite a bit of the time which once was directed to modeling. My wife is even accusing me of turning into a kit collector. Hmph!
I would however be glad to term myself a book collector, always on the look out for a new or used liner book to add to the reference library. Somehow, reading never seems to take as much organization as model building. I also collect deck plans, ship prints and other ocean liner memorabilia.
My interest in shipping is fairly broad, ranging from paddle steamers to supertankers, and everything in between. Often time the more obscure ships are the most interesting to me, although if I had to pick one favorite, she would have to be Normandie.
Scott ~ 10/03